Handwriting Wizards

Handwriting is an essential part of a multisensory program. The Handwriting Wizards program offers stand-alone handwriting instruction for cursive and print.

These easy-to-use books:

  • Teach the letters using large, full page models for tracing
  • Have structured writing lines with reference points
  • Provide ample opportunities to practice new motor patterns
  • Contain strategies to eliminate reversals and confusion about line placement
  • Work for all children including those with fine-motor weaknesses and spatial confusion

Print and cursive handwriting instructions can be easily downloaded.


#3001 Handwriting Wizards for Cursive
Right Handed

Handwriting Wizards for Cursive is a stand-alone cursive program that includes thorough practice of letters and letter connections. Teachers also rely on Cursive Wall Strip for instruction. If you are teaching older children to read with the PAF Reading Program, you can use the Handwriting Wizards for Cursive to support your reading instruction. ISBN: 978-1-9448832-27-4

$ 20.40 ( QTY : 1-10 )

$ 18.97 ( QTY : 11+ )

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NYC DOE Vendor # INT785508

#3002 Handwriting Wizards for Cursive
Left Handed

Handwriting Wizards for Cursive is a stand-alone cursive program that includes thorough practice of letters and letter connections. Teachers also rely on Cursive Wall Strip for instruction. If you are teaching older children to read with the PAF Reading Program, you can use the Handwriting Wizards for Cursive to support your reading instruction. ISBN: 978-1-948832-26-7

$ 20.40 ( QTY : 1-10 )

$ 18.97 ( QTY : 11+ )

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NYC DOE Vendor # INT785508

#506 Cursive Alphabet Picture Cards

Cursive Alphabet Picture cards are perfect for remedial readers who are learning the sounds of the alphabet while writing in cursive.  Each card contains a picture which corresponds to the sound of the letter, as well as cursive handwriting models of the upper and lower-case letters. ISBN: 978-0-9636471-5-3

$ 34.23

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NYC DOE Vendor # INT785508

#507 Cursive Wall Strip

Handwriting Wizards for Cursive is a stand-alone cursive program that includes thorough practice of letters and letter connections. Teachers also rely on the Cursive Wall Strip for instruction. If you are teaching older children to read with the PAF Reading Program, you can use the Handwriting Wizards for Cursive to support your reading instruction. ISBN: 978-1-948832-00-7

$ 34.23

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NYC DOE Vendor # INT785508

#3000 Handwriting Wizards for Print

Handwriting Wizards for Print is a stand-alone print handwriting book. If your students are using the PAF Reading Program and PAF Skills Books, they do not need the Handwriting Wizards as print handwriting instruction is embedded in the Skills Books. The Handwriting Wizards for Print follows the instructional sequence in the PAF Reading Program. ISBN 978-1-948832-25-0

$ 19.20 ( QTY : 1-10 )

$ 17.86 ( QTY : 11+ )

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NYC DOE Vendor # INT785508